‘Best Regards,’, installation with performative videos [2023]

photo by Lotte van Uittert       

I like to look out of the window. From my studio space you can look across the street into the office of the ministry of finance. In a daydream the idea emerged to collaborate with them. My imagination would see myself composing an email behind my desk, drawing diagrams on the whiteboard and attending important meetings with my colleagues.

In the collaborative spirit of the exhibition the wish for this project was initially to bridge the gap between the art world and the financial world. However, the focus gradually shifted from the bidirectional collaboration to the one-directional voyeuristic gaze itself.
While looking through the window, at the blurry image of professionalism on the other side of the street, I realised with dread that after I graduate from art school in two months, the fictional layer that underlies the art context and that protected me in my artistic endeavours in the last few years, wouldn't be as self-evident as in the air-tight art school bubble.

'Best Regards,' is thereby a childish refusal to move on. It is an insistence to dwell on this moment and an attempt to stick to the artificiality of the fictitious office worker before departing into the more ambiguous outside.

- May 2023

photo by Lotte van Uittert

photo by Lotte van Uittert